Yaskawa Delta Robots High Speed Pick and Place

Yaskawa Delta Robots High Speed Pick and Place

Dual Yaskawa MP3 Delta Robots in a Master/Slave configuration with conveyor tracking and vision to fill cartons.  Rates are up to 225/minute and with an accurate count which was not possible with the previous machine.  

BCS Motion Designed Parallel Kinetic Delta Robot

BCS Motion Designed Parallel Kinetic Delta Robot

BCS designed parallel kinetic delta robot using belt linear actuators.  Work-space is scalable and determined by the length of the actuators.  Rates are up to 135/minute with vision and conveyor tracking.  Cost is 50% of a traditional delta robot.

Soft Metal Material Handling Gantry

Soft Metal Material Handling

The Gantry in the Video was designed to handle small green parts from a press and then have them placed in trays for a secondary operation.

Because of the secondary operation, the trays became distorted over time so vision was added to calculate the parts spacing and to follow the contour of the tray so maximum fill could be achieved.

BCS Motion Designed and Patented Cobot Sleeved Cup Cartoning

BCS Motion Designed and Patented COBOT Sleeved Cup Cartoning 

Yaskawa HC10DT, 10kg COBOT.  The invention will pick and pack any polysleeved product and place it into the carton.  The  robot can pack a carton of sleeved cups each carton of with 20 sleeves in under 3 minutes.  

US Navy Wave Simulation Platform

US Navy Wave Simulation Platform

Dual large ball screw linear actuators, 65,000 lbs and 25,000 lbs of force.  Large Yaskawa motors 30kw and 22kw provide the power.  The climate controlled electrical enclosure is located outside  under the machine platform.  Motion simulated wave action for shipboard instrumentation testing.

Yaskawa Industrial Robot Loading Magnesium into Furnace

Yaskawa Industrial Robot Loading Magnesium into 1400 Degree Furnace

Yaskawa Industrial robot loading 40 lb magnesium ingots into a 1400 degree furnace.  Customer EoAT and cell designed by BCS.